Destiny 13

【Destiny 2】Book: The Man They Call Cayde - Fold

Ever heard of Andal Brask? Ya should've. One of the old heroes. Before Black Gardens and Hive gods and that Cabal-shaped mess we just cleaned up. Yeah, he was… somethin'. Hunter part of the Vanguard before yours truly. More importantly… He was my friend. A brother, even. Andal and I used to run with one heck of a crew. This was before he got himself roped into fireteaming up with the top brass. ..

【Destiny 2】Book: The Man They Call Cayde - First Stake

Made a deal with myself, long ago… If people needed help and I could do the helping, I would—so I do. Yeah, when that help returns a bit of loot or goodwill my way, all the better, but there's never been a cache I robbed or a stash I hid that didn't offer something to those in need. Not many people know that. Fine by me. I don't like to brag. True, I never wanted the Vanguards' life, but that's ..

【Destiny 2】Book: The Man They Call Cayde - Deal

All joking aside—maybe I've made mistakes. Maybe some more recently than others. Hard to believe, I know, but maybe it's true. Maybe. Here's the thing about mistakes: you learn from them. Again, this is assuming the theoretical concept of me having made some mistakes is true. So, yeah, maybe that's what I'm doing. Trying to learn from these very hypothetical slipups. Turning inward, they call it..
