Game News Memories

【Destiny 2】Book: The Man They Call Cayde - All-In

친절한올드보이 2021. 4. 28. 17:36

Hey, kid.


I know I don't write you very often, ya know? But it's better than never.


Ain't easy for me to find the words. I mean, it is, I find them. But I know they're not always the right ones. Too much flash. Too much looking out for how I'm looking, not enough just telling it how it is. That's why I'm doing this, Ace. That's why you and me are having these words. Easier to say them than scrawl 'em. This way, now that I'm doing it, it feels more honest, if I'm being…


Feels more true.


Thing is—and I'm sorry it's like this, but… I can only talk to you… in my mind. In my heart… This is how one-to-one works now.


Father and son.


Cayde and his firecracker Ace.


What am I doin'?


Reality is… ain't no telling who I'm talking to. Hell… Could be me, the "me after me."


Hi, me! Lookin' good! Sorry you can't remember all you can't remember. That's just an Exo's lot in life. Though, if you are me sitting on the other side… I gotta tell ya…


I never wanted this. YOU never wanted this.


I made it real clear… To the Big Z. To Ikora. Banshee. Amanda. My pal Jimmy down at the ramen spot …that if anyone ever finds that Deep Stone Crypt thingy—


I stop counting at six, no higher. Ya hear me? No. Higher.


Think there's just something about the number 7 that gives me the heebie-jeebies—unlucky, overrated, I don't know, just a number with bad mojo in my book. So, if you've got a 7 in tow, or above, someone's changed the game. Someone's not playing nice.


Might wanna do something about that.


If you haven't listened to the earlier files—the start of this ramble—find 'em. Hear 'em. You might not want to take lessons from an unknown reflection, but trust me… whatever kind of man you are… you can be better. Also…


There are journals. Don't call 'em a diary. A three-eyed gal with a preference for deep holes and nightmares always called 'em diaries. Don't take cues from her. Anyway…


End of the day, New Me—if that's you—you get to choose who and how you want to be. The hope is maybe I can guide you a bit, like the "me before me" did.


And when you get to the part about the kid and the girl—my Ace and my Queen…


They're yours, too. By right. Because they are… all yours, a gift. And you'll be the better for it.


And, if you don't feel that thing—that soft spot in the middle of all that circuitry—when you get to them, then, if you are me… you aren't like me at all. And that means you're trouble.


The good kind, or the bad, impossible for me to know. All I can do is give you the tools to raise you right.


That goes for you, too, Ace. If you're listening.


Hell. It goes for anyone. Strangers. Old friends. New enemies…


Learn from me. Be better than me. Because I'd really hate to think whoever you are is someone I wouldn't get along with.


이봐, 꼬마 야.

자주 쓰지 않는 거 알아요, 알죠? 그러나 결코하지 않는 것보다 낫습니다.

단어를 찾기가 쉽지 않습니다. 내 말은, 나는 그들을 찾는다. 그러나 나는 그들이 항상 올바른 것은 아니라는 것을 압니다. 너무 많은 플래시. 내가 어떻게 보이는지 너무 많이 바라 보는 것이지 단지 그것이 어떤지 말하는 것만으로는 충분하지 않습니다. 그게 내가 이걸하는 이유야, 에이스. 그게 당신과 제가이 말을하는 이유입니다. 긁어 모으는 것보다 말하기가 더 쉽습니다. 이런 식으로, 지금 내가하고있는 것이므로 더 정직하게 느껴집니다. 만약 내가 ... 더 진실한 느낌이 듭니다.

문제는 – 그리고 이렇게해서 미안하지만… 나는 당신과 만 이야기 할 수 있습니다… 내 마음 속으로… 이것이 지금 일대일 작동 방식입니다.


케이드와 그의 폭죽 에이스.

나는 무엇을하고 있는가?

현실은 ... 내가 누구에게 말하고 있는지 말하지 않습니다. 지옥… 나일 수도 있고, "나를 뒤쫓는 다."

안녕, 나! 좋아 보인다! 기억할 수없는 모든 것을 기억하지 못해 죄송합니다. 그것은 인생에서 엑소의 부지입니다. 그래도, 만약 당신이 다른쪽에 앉아 있다면…

나는 이것을 원하지 않았다. 당신은 이것을 원하지 않았습니다.

나는 그것을 정말로 명확하게했다… Big Z에게. Ikora에게. 반시. 아만다. 내 친구 Jimmy가라면 장소에 내려 와서… 누군가가 Deep Stone Crypt를 발견하면

나는 6시에 더 이상 세지 ​​않습니다. 내 말 들려? 아뇨.

나에게 heebie-jeebies를 제공하는 숫자 7에 대한 무언가가 있다고 생각하십시오. 불행하고, 과대 평가되고, 모르겠습니다. 단지 내 책에 나쁜 모조가있는 숫자입니다. 따라서 견인력이 7 이상이면 누군가 게임을 바꾼 것입니다. 누군가가 잘하지 않습니다.

그것에 대해 뭔가를하고 싶을 수도 있습니다.

이전 파일을 듣지 않았다면 (이 난장판의 시작 부분) 찾아보십시오. 들으세요. 알 수없는 반성에서 교훈을 받고 싶지 않을 수도 있지만 저를 믿으세요 ... 당신이 어떤 사람이든 ... 당신은 더 나아질 수 있습니다. 또한…

저널이 있습니다. 그들을 일기라고 부르지 마십시오. 깊은 구멍과 악몽을 선호하는 세 눈의 여자는 항상 '그들의 일기'라고 불렀습니다. 그녀에게서 단서를받지 마십시오. 어쨌든…

하루의 끝, New Me (당신이라면) 당신은 당신이 원하는 사람과 방법을 선택할 수 있습니다. 희망은 아마도 "나보다 먼저"가 그랬던 것처럼 당신을 조금 안내 할 수 있다는 것입니다.

그리고 당신이 그 아이와 소녀에 관한 부분에 도달했을 때 – 나의 에이스와 나의 여왕…

그들도 당신 것입니다. 맞아. 왜냐하면 그들은 ... 당신 모두의 선물이기 때문입니다. 그리고 당신은 그것을 위해 더 나을 것입니다.

그리고 당신이 그것들에 도달했을 때 그 모든 회로의 한가운데에있는 부드러운 지점을 느끼지 못한다면, 당신이 나라면… 당신은 전혀 나와 같지 않습니다. 그리고 그것은 당신이 문제라는 것을 의미합니다.

내가 알 수없는 좋은 종류 또는 나쁜 것. 내가 할 수있는 일은 바로 당신을 올릴 수있는 도구를주는 것입니다.

Ace도 마찬가지입니다. 듣고 있다면.

지옥. 누구에게나 적용됩니다. 낯선 사람. 오랜 친구. 새로운 적…

나에게서 배우십시오. 나보다 낫다. 당신이 누군지 내가 잘 어울리지 않는 사람이라고 생각 하는게 정말 싫어서.





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